An early start heading off with anticipation for day 1 of BETT 2017. Heading over to Excel on the DLR you never know what you might see during the show. I'll post the most interesting things here.
First stop will be the MLS ( Micro Librarian Systems ) stand B190 to see developments on their fantastic Reading Cloud)
Then off to prepare for my presentation on the Nureva "Living Digital Display" with Gareth Hancox from Pheasey Park Farm
Wall to Wall Learning - Developing Collaboration and Showcasing Student Digital Creations
Date: Wednesday 25th January Time: 12:00 - 12:30 Location: Schools Learn Live: Primary theatre
Click here to view the presentation David Whyley Wall to Wall Learning
I will add more later as the day progresses. Now off to get on the DLR!!
Photo of the Learn Live theatre during our presentation.

I also attended the BETT awards with the wonderful Nigel Canin from 2Simple. What a great evening.
Day 2 and 3
There were many meetings and discussions centering around the future direction of Ed. Tech. Foremost of these was the excellent SMART transformational learning summit on Thursday afternoon.
Also great conversations and sharing of our canvases on the Nureva Stand.
Marvellous to meet with all of my friends - it is what makes BETT so special.
See you all next year - BETT 2018!!!!