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BETT Impact Award 2020

Known internationally as "THE" Ed.Tech show. Each year BETT hosts an awards ceremony which sees the very best in Ed.Tech showcased to the world. Last year (2019) a new category was introduced to allow schools and educational establishments to showcase what they are doing with Ed. Tech to benefit their learners, staff and whole community.


Over the last six years Whytek Consulting has been working with the school leadership to utilise Ed. Tech to deliver remarkable school improvement at this school under the leadership of Executive Headteacher Mrs Sally Lanni. in 2020 the school decided to enter their Ed Tech Journey for the 2020 BETT Impact Awards. They were successful and have become one of only three educational establishments to be short listed.

Here is the story of their Ed Tech Journey

Changing whole the school teaching culture at Pheasey Park Farm Primary School has been achieved by embedding Education technology across all aspects of the school..

This has been delivered using a range of Integrated technology including interactive flat panels and student devices bound together with the “Glue” of SMART learning suite software.

Transforming teaching and learning was an imperative for the current SMT as under the previous leadership, teaching was described as “Dusty” by Ofsted. How could technology be used as a vehicle for school improvement, change pedagogical practice and develop a fit for purpose curriculum?

This year is the culmination of 5 years of strategic visioning, structured implementation and staff led training bringing about a shift in pedagogy which is significantly impacting on many aspects of school life in every class throughout the school.

Visiting respected educationalists, leading industry executives and senior leaders from other schools have witnessed the transformation of both teaching and learning behaviours across all classes and beyond the school day.

This change has led to improvements in traditionally measured standards, but more significantly a demonstrable impact on teaching and learning behaviours, staff well-being and improved working efficiency.

The Pheasey approach to embedded technology has the opportunity to impact on more schools as Pheasey has joined a Multi Academy Trust

We wish them well for the awards ceremony which is held on Wednesday 22nd Jan 2020

Here is the video produced to showcase their transformational work.



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