Wow! It is BETT 2018 already. I really can't keep pace with the speed that the months seem to fly by.

On the train once more heading toward London for the one and only Ed Tech show at the ExCel centre. Now with the BETT content team's changes to the way presentations are chosen I will not be formally presenting this year. This is because the vast majority of presentations are sponsored by large Ed Tech companies.
There are also only about a third of the number of presentations. We will have to see how it all works as this is a dramatic shift for BETT.
For my part I have been working on the innovative Nureva Span "Digital Wall" system so I will be based around their stand C160. So If you want to meet up I will be there during the day. I also have many 1-1 meetings with companies a
nd colleagues. This is what makes the world of Ed Tech go around!
I've got more 1-1 meetings this year to catch up with companies and colleagues old and new. I can't wait. BETT is here!!!
Here is where I will be.
Wednesday 24th January
10:00 - Nureva Stand with Jon Knight from Ascentae
10:45 – 11:15 Interview with Disruptive Live – who are streaming live interviews with Ed Tech folks – my interview will discuss the work we have been doing with Staff and Students from UK and Canada around their understanding of AI and what makes us Himan!
13:00 - SMART Technologies MAT event – Platinum Suite
2:30 pm – XMA Stand - Meetin
g with Guy Bates
Evening - BETT Awards with Nigel Canin from the wonderful 2Simple
Thursday 25th January
11:00 - Nureva Stand - Meeting with Kirsty Tonks and the staff from Shireland
3:30 pm - SMART transformational Learning Summit - Platinum Suite
5:30 pm – Future source Meeting to understand the latest developments in Ed Tech.
Friday 26th January
Meetings with the incredible Hannah Jones from Connec
ted Learning and I'm also hoping to meet up with Dave Smith from Havering
Other items will be added on each daily Blog Post.